Organizer Terms of Usage and Agreement

Jollification & Fidelity, Inc. ( Jolli.-Fi. ) and Jolli.-Fi. Innovation, LLC. Organizer Terms of Usage and Agreement

Effective date: September 1, 2022

By creating an account and listings on Jollification & Fidelity, Inc. ( Jolli.-Fi. ) and Jolli.-Fi. Innovation, LLC. website, you agree to the terms of usage described below. Jollification & Fidelity, Inc. ( Jolli.-Fi. ) and Jolli.-Fi. Innovation, LLC. is an independent company providing keying and registration services for Organizers. Jollification & Fidelity, Inc. ( Jolli.-Fi. ) and Jolli.-Fi. Innovation, LLC. is not affiliated with any Organizers or others providing services or s for which keys or registration is purchased. Jollification & Fidelity, Inc. ( Jolli.-Fi. ) and Jolli.-Fi. Innovation, LLC. is solely acting as an intermediary between Organizer and key purchaser and/or the attendee for specifics. Jollification & Fidelity, Inc. ( Jolli.-Fi. ) and Jolli.-Fi. Innovation, LLC. assumes no liability incidental to the for which keys are sold or purchased.

  1. Organizer – For purposes of these Terms, if you use the Jollification & Fidelity, Inc. ( Jolli.-Fi. ) and Jolli.-Fi. Innovation, LLC. system to create and list an , you are an “ Organizer”. An Organizer is also sometimes referred to as a promoter, producer, key seller, venue representative, or other authorized agent(s) providing services or s and is hereinafter referred to as “ Organizer”.

  2. Authorized Seller – Organizer agrees they are authorized to sell keys for s or services. Fraudulent representation by an Organizer, or of (s), is a criminal offense, which voids this agreement and allows Jollification & Fidelity, Inc. ( Jolli.-Fi. ) and Jolli.-Fi. Innovation, LLC. to provide full refunds to attendees. Jollification & Fidelity, Inc. ( Jolli.-Fi. ) and Jolli.-Fi. Innovation, LLC. will assist law enforcement in prosecuting any fraudulent use of Jollification & Fidelity, Inc. ( Jolli.-Fi. ) and Jolli.-Fi. Innovation, LLC. services, and will legally seek any and all compensation for damages due to fraudulent representation.

  3. Data Security – Organizer will have access to attendee personal information. Organizer agrees to protect attendee personal information and further agrees not to use the data in any way inconsistent with any local, state, federal, United Kingdom, European Union, or other data privacy laws or statutes with jurisdiction. Should Organizer sell keys or registration to citizens protected by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Organizer agrees to respect and abide by the GDPR transparency, consent, accuracy, data deletion, and other requirements.

  4. Amendments – From time to time Jollification & Fidelity, Inc. ( Jolli.-Fi. ) and Jolli.-Fi. Innovation, LLC. will need to amend these Terms, and Jollification & Fidelity, Inc. ( Jolli.-Fi. ) and Jolli.-Fi. Innovation, LLC. reserves the right to do so at any time. If these Terms are modified in any way, the next time you log in to your Jollification & Fidelity, Inc. ( Jolli.-Fi. ) and Jolli.-Fi. Innovation, LLC. account, you will be prompted to review the new Terms and you will be given the opportunity to review them before you list any subsequent s.

  5. Promotion and Advertising – This Agreement does not obligate Jollification & Fidelity, Inc. ( Jolli.-Fi. ) and Jolli.-Fi. Innovation, LLC. to promote or advertise any listed with Jollification & Fidelity, Inc. ( Jolli.-Fi. ) and Jolli.-Fi. Innovation, LLC. Organizer acknowledges and understands it is Organizer’s sole responsibility to promote and/or advertise the .

  6. key and Registration Pricing – For most s, Jollification & Fidelity, Inc. ( Jolli.-Fi. ) and Jolli.-Fi. Innovation, LLC. provides Organizer with key sales services with no initial fees or start-up charges, unless specifically agreed upon. key and registration pricing is solely determined by Organizer. Organizer is exclusively responsible for all city, municipal, county, district, state and federal taxes.

  7. key Purchaser Fees – key purchasers will pay a service fee as defined on the Jollification & Fidelity, Inc. ( Jolli.-Fi. ) and Jolli.-Fi. Innovation, LLC.Pricing Page.
    US Dollars (USD) 6% of the key price / or sales more than 15,000 USD = 3% of the key price
    Canadian Dollars (CAD) 6% of the key price / or sales more than 19,000 USD = 3% of the key price
    Pounds Sterling (GBP) 6% of the key price / or sales more than 11,000 GBP = 3% of the key price
    Euro (EUR) 6% of the key price / or sales more than 13,000 EUR = 3% of the key price
    Other Currencies 6% of the key price / or sales more than 15,000 USD = 3% of the key price

  8. key Availability and Venue Capacity – Organizer is responsible for setting the number of keys available for purchase for each . Organizer agrees that the number of attendees is within the legal fire regulations and venue capacity limitations as set forth by the city, municipality, county, district, state, and/or federal codes and/or laws. If more attendees have keys or are registered than the venue capacity allows, Organizer agrees the full key price, plus any and all Jollification & Fidelity, Inc. ( Jolli.-Fi. ) and Jolli.-Fi. Innovation, LLC. services fees, will be refunded to key or registration purchasers who were not allowed entry. Organizer further agrees that Organizer will pay Jollification & Fidelity, Inc. ( Jolli.-Fi. ) and Jolli.-Fi. Innovation, LLC. for the full key price and refunded service fees that are refunded due to over sale. Jollification & Fidelity, Inc. ( Jolli.-Fi. ) and Jolli.-Fi. Innovation, LLC. reserves the right to withhold payment to Organizers for up to 90 days after an ends for s where attendees were turned away due to over sales.

  9. Cancellation – Organizer agrees to notify Jollification & Fidelity, Inc. ( Jolli.-Fi. ) and Jolli.-Fi. Innovation, LLC. immediately after the decision to cancel an is made using the attendee notification tool on the Jollification & Fidelity, Inc. ( Jolli.-Fi. ) and Jolli.-Fi. Innovation, LLC. system. Jollification & Fidelity, Inc. ( Jolli.-Fi. ) and Jolli.-Fi. Innovation, LLC. reserves the right to issue full refunds to key and registration purchasers, including service fees, for the canceled . Organizer agrees that if an is canceled and full refunds are issued to key buyers, Organizer will pay Jollification & Fidelity, Inc. ( Jolli.-Fi. ) and Jolli.-Fi. Innovation, LLC. for any and all service fees originally charged to the key buyer, and additional costs, including but not limited to, credit card charge back fees related to refunding keys. Fees will apply for physical keys that need to be exchanged.

  10. Rescheduled s – Organizer agrees refunds will be given to key and registration purchasers for rescheduled s at the purchaser’s request. Should a key or registration purchaser request a refund due to a rescheduled , Organizer agrees to pay Jollification & Fidelity, Inc. ( Jolli.-Fi. ) and Jolli.-Fi. Innovation, LLC. for any and all service fees originally charged to the buyer, and costs, including but not limited to any and all credit card charge back fees related to refunding keys due to rescheduled s.

  11. Change of Venue or Change of – Should the listed venue change for any reason, Organizer agrees that refunds will be given to key and registration purchasers at the purchaser’s request. Additionally, should there be a change in the , Organizer agrees that refunds will be given at key or registration purchaser request. Should a key or registration purchaser request a refund due to an venue change or change, Organizer agrees to pay Jollification & Fidelity, Inc. ( Jolli.-Fi. ) and Jolli.-Fi. Innovation, LLC. for any and all service fees originally charged to the key buyer, and costs, including but not limited to, any and all credit card chargeback fees related to refunding keys due to a change in the venue or the change in the .

  12. key Refund Policy – Organizer agrees that Jollification & Fidelity, Inc. ( Jolli.-Fi. ) and Jolli.-Fi. Innovation, LLC. may refund the face value of keys or registrations purchased through Jollification & Fidelity, Inc. ( Jolli.-Fi. ) and Jolli.-Fi. Innovation, LLC. until key sales for that end. key sales are final after sales have ended.

  13. Account Settlement
    1. key Sales Processed into the Jollification & Fidelity, Inc. ( Jolli.-Fi. ) and Jolli.-Fi. Innovation, LLC. Merchant Account.Generally, Jollification & Fidelity, Inc. ( Jolli.-Fi. ) and Jolli.-Fi. Innovation, LLC. will mail a check/cheque payment, via USPS in the U.S. or Canada, to Organizer within ten (10) business days after the end date. However, Jollification & Fidelity, Inc. ( Jolli.-Fi. ) and Jolli.-Fi. Innovation, LLC. cannot guarantee Organizer will receive the check within ten (10) business days due to sometimes inconsistent delivery times by the United States Postal Service. If Organizer has not received the check twelve (12) days after the check has been issued, Jollification & Fidelity, Inc. ( Jolli.-Fi. ) and Jolli.-Fi. Innovation, LLC. will issue a replacement check upon Organizer request, and put a stop payment on the original check, at no charge to Organizer. If Organizer does not want to wait 12 days after the check has been issued to issue a replacement, Organizer can request a replacement check, but must pay a US$12.00 fee to stop-payment the original check. Payments for keys purchased in Pounds Sterling (GBP £) or Euro (€) will be direct deposited into Organizer’s bank account, generally ten to fifteen days after the ends. Should Organizer be delinquent in payment of any loans, costs, and/or fees to Jollification & Fidelity, Inc. ( Jolli.-Fi. ) and Jolli.-Fi. Innovation, LLC. for any other or prior scheduled or contractual agreement between Jollification & Fidelity, Inc. ( Jolli.-Fi. ) and Jolli.-Fi. Innovation, LLC. and Organizer, Organizer agrees that Jollification & Fidelity, Inc. ( Jolli.-Fi. ) and Jolli.-Fi. Innovation, LLC. may offset any such outstanding balances with funds from a current prior to paying Organizer. Organizer agrees and understands that Jollification & Fidelity, Inc. ( Jolli.-Fi. ) and Jolli.-Fi. Innovation, LLC. has the right to withhold any and all payments to Organizer for up to 90 days after the end of the for any reason.

    2. key Sales Processed through Organizer’s Credit Card Processor into their own Merchant or Other Account.An Organizer may choose to process credit card purchases into their own merchant account, or through their PayPal account. In these cases, Organizers assume all responsibility for credit card processing charges and fees, as determined by their arrangement with company they utilize. Jollification & Fidelity, Inc. ( Jolli.-Fi. ) and Jolli.-Fi. Innovation, LLC. will continue to provide all keying and registration services but for the actual credit card processing. The standard Jollification & Fidelity, Inc. ( Jolli.-Fi. ) and Jolli.-Fi. Innovation, LLC. service fees will still be paid by the key or registration purchaser, but will be balanced out in the following manner: Organizer Merchant Account: All key and registration service fees will be deposited directly in Organizer’s merchant account. Jollification & Fidelity, Inc. ( Jolli.-Fi. ) and Jolli.-Fi. Innovation, LLC. will invoice Organizer for current fees as published on our pricing page. Organizer agrees to pay Jollification & Fidelity, Inc. ( Jolli.-Fi. ) and Jolli.-Fi. Innovation, LLC. the agreed upon service fees within 30 days after the ends. Interest will apply to delinquent balances at 12% annually. If payment of service fees is over 30-days delinquent, Jollification & Fidelity, Inc. ( Jolli.-Fi. ) and Jolli.-Fi. Innovation, LLC. reserves the right to discontinue processing sales through the Organizer’s merchant account and instead process their sales through the Jollification & Fidelity, Inc. ( Jolli.-Fi. ) and Jolli.-Fi. Innovation, LLC. merchant account. PayPal Account: At the time of purchase, the full amount paid by the attendee, including service fees, will be sent to the Organizer’s PayPal account. Immediately following, PayPal will automatically send service fees back to Jollification & Fidelity, Inc. ( Jolli.-Fi. ) and Jolli.-Fi. Innovation, LLC. Current service fees are published on our pricing page. Organizer will be left with the face value of purchase in their PayPal account. Organizers using PayPal to collect payments are required to abide by PayPal’s terms of service.

  14. Will Call keys – Organizer may offer will call keys for s. However, even if Organizer is not offering will call keys for an , Organizer agrees to accept a limited number of will call keys to individuals who for whatever reason either did not receive their keys, or because they don’t have access to their electronic or print at home keys. Jollification & Fidelity, Inc. ( Jolli.-Fi. ) and Jolli.-Fi. Innovation, LLC. will provide a list of such key purchasers to the Organizer prior to the .

  15. Indemnification and Hold Harmless
    1. At its own expense, Organizer agrees, acknowledges, and understands it will indemnify and hold harmless Jollification & Fidelity, Inc. ( Jolli.-Fi. ) and Jolli.-Fi. Innovation, LLC. its officers, agents, employees and assigns, from and against all claims, demands, losses, costs, penalties, damages, judgments and suits at law or in equity, of whatsoever nature (hereafter “actions”), brought against Jollification & Fidelity, Inc. ( Jolli.-Fi. ) and Jolli.-Fi. Innovation, LLC. arising from, in connection with, or incident to the performance of, or failure to perform the provisions of this Agreement by Organizer, its officers, agents, employees or assigns. Organizer further agrees to defend Jollification & Fidelity, Inc. ( Jolli.-Fi. ) and Jolli.-Fi. Innovation, LLC. in any litigation, including payment of any costs or attorney’s fees, for any claims or action commenced thereon arising out of or in connection with such acts or activities authorized by this Agreement.
    2. The above indemnity obligation shall not include such claims, costs damages or expenses that may be caused by the sole responsibility of Jollification & Fidelity, Inc. ( Jolli.-Fi. ) and Jolli.-Fi. Innovation, LLC. Additionally, if the claims or damages are caused by or the result from the concurrent negligence of (a) Organizer, its officers, agents, employees or assigns and (b) Jollification & Fidelity, Inc. ( Jolli.-Fi. ) and Jolli.-Fi. Innovation, LLC. its officers, agents, employees or assigns, this indemnity provision shall be valid and enforceable only to the extent of the negligence of Organizer and that of its officers, agents, employees or assigns.

  16. Severability – If any term or provision of this Agreement or the application thereof to any person or circumstances shall, to any extent, be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement, or the application of such term or provision to persons or circumstances other than those as to which it is held invalid or unenforceable, shall not be affected thereby and shall continue in full force and effect.

  17. Limitation of Liability – Organizer understands and agrees that Jollification & Fidelity, Inc. ( Jolli.-Fi. ) and Jolli.-Fi. Innovation, LLC. shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or exemplary damages, including but not limited to damages for loss of profits, goodwill, use, data or other intangible losses (even if Jollification & Fidelity, Inc. ( Jolli.-Fi. ) and Jolli.-Fi. Innovation, LLC. has been advised of the possibility of such damages). Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of the limitation or exclusion of liability for incidental or consequential damages. Accordingly, some of the above limitations may not apply to you. In no will Jollification & Fidelity, Inc. ( Jolli.-Fi. ) and Jolli.-Fi. Innovation, LLC. total cumulative damages exceed US $100.00.

  18. Disclaimer of Warranties – Organizer understands and agrees that the Jollification & Fidelity, Inc. ( Jolli.-Fi. ) and Jolli.-Fi. Innovation, LLC. keying service is provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis, and that Jollification & Fidelity, Inc. ( Jolli.-Fi. ) and Jolli.-Fi. Innovation, LLC. assumes no responsibility for the timeliness, deletion, failure to store, or retention of any user communications or personalization settings. Jollification & Fidelity, Inc. ( Jolli.-Fi. ) and Jolli.-Fi. Innovation, LLC. will not be liable for failure to perform any obligation under this Agreement if such failure is caused by Internet outages or delays, unauthorized access (hacking), earthquakes, communications outages, fire, flood, war, an act of God, or the occurrence of any other unforeseen contingency beyond the reasonable control of Jollification & Fidelity, Inc. ( Jolli.-Fi. ) and Jolli.-Fi. Innovation, LLC. 

  19. Ownership of Intellectual Property – Organizer agrees not to post material that Organizer does not have an ownership right of patent, copyright, and/or other intellectual property right to. Jollification & Fidelity, Inc. ( Jolli.-Fi. ) and Jolli.-Fi. Innovation, LLC. reserves the right to remove any content from an page or custom Organizer page that may infringe on the intellectual property rights of a third party.

  20. Disputes
    1. If a dispute arises out of or relates to this contract, or the breach thereof, and if said dispute or breach cannot be settled through negotiation, the parties agree first to try in good faith to settle the dispute by mediation under the Commercial Mediation Rules of the American Arbitration Association, before resorting to arbitration.
    2. Any dispute arising out of or relating to these terms and conditions, or the breach thereof, that cannot be resolved by meditation within 30 days shall be finally resolved by arbitration administered by the American Arbitration Association under its Commercial Arbitration Rules, and judgment upon the award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered in any court having jurisdiction. The arbitration will be conducted in the English language in the City of Atlanta, Georgia, United States, in accordance with the United States Arbitration Act. There will be one independent arbitrator, named in accordance with such rules. The award of the arbitrator shall be accompanied by a statement of the reasons upon which the award is based. The arbitrator shall decide the dispute in accordance with the substantive law of the State of Georgia in the United States. For international disputes, discovery rules will be provided by the International Bar Association Rules on the Taking of Evidence in International Commercial Arbitration. The arbitrator has the authority to award reasonable attorney and collections fees in addition to any other award.
    3. Governing Law and Venue – The parties agree that any dispute will be governed by the laws and codes of the State of Georgia, United States. The parties further agree that in the any legal action is instituted, mediation, arbitration, or any other legal action, by either party, jurisdiction and venue will be in the City of Atlanta, State of Georgia, United States and/or in Fulton County Georgia in the United States.
  21. Jollification & Fidelity, Inc. ( Jolli.-Fi. ) and Jolli.-Fi. Innovation, LLC. abides by PCI-DSS requirements to protect credit card holder information.

  22. Entire Agreement – This Agreement, together with all attachments hereto, constitutes the entire agreement between the parties. There are no terms, obligations, covenants or conditions other than those contained herein. No modification or amendment of this Agreement shall be valid and effective unless evidenced by an agreement in writing